Japandroids are singer/guitarist Brian King and drummer/singer David Prowse of Vancouver, BC. We all know how big a drum kit and guitar can sound (thanks to godheadSilo and some duo from Detroit). So I won’t belabor that aspect of the Japandroids story. What I will say is that their songs burst with youth – all earnest, raw, wistful – and just the right dose of self-deprecation. In fact, if “Younger Us” doesn’t get you screaming along at the top of your lungs and drumming on your steering wheel you may want to check your pulse.
Younger Us from Younger Us 7-inch (2010)
Art Czars from Art Czar 7-inch (2010)
Darkness on the Edge of Gastown from Lullaby Death Jams (2008)
They instantly got my attention just when i saw their picture. Its not an everyday situation when a “Drum on Fire” Lol.. After i played “Younger Us” i was glued to this post. i like the music ,it goes very freely and you can feel the powerful emotions in their music..