Solo Andata

My family is about 1700 miles away right now, which probably makes me even more of a sucker than usual for this meditative, lonely man’s free jazz. Or maybe there’s an even deeper connection I’m feeling… Solo Andata is a long-distance duo as well: Paul Piocco and Kane Ikin, who live in Perth, Australia, and Stockholm, Sweden, respectively. They collaborate by means of modern connectivity, as I do with my wife and kids, which is great but means you kinda have to fill in the gaps in time and distance with your own imagination and memories. The resulting sessions are sparse, yet richly textured and nuanced, giving you the sense—and I know I sound like Abe Simpson when I say this— that you can actually hear the wear and tear that comes from sending their tracks back and forth over such long distances.
Be sure to check out their remix as part of Ryuichi Sakamoto’s Stop Rokkasho project, available on their MySpace page.

5 Replies to “Solo Andata”

  1. Such beautiful, mellow, thoughtful tunes. I usually don't listen to this kind of music, but this really goes through.

  2. oh, wow….this is nice….like a drink of cold water….it is rehydrating….very subtle…
    this is for the winetasters of the music world…

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