Manchester based Melodic Records first birthed Pedro, then cranked out a whole litter of releases. Twenty, in fact, since 1999. A fine lot of electronic glitches, strums, and rhythms. From Melodic’s site: “Full mp3 tracks, not CD quality, but good enough for you to get addicted.” Actually, they’re nowhere NEAR CD quality, but I’ll be damned if they’re not spot on with the warning of dependency.
A sampling of favorites from 2003. Infamous indie intellectual Sage Francis proves he can spit heat with the best of them — watch yer back, Mr. Mathers.
Odd Nosdam
Proof positive of Odd’s ability to walk the line between goofball humor and necksnapping beats.
Kim Hiorthoy
A sampling of favorites from 2003. This Scandanavian multi-talent builds mystery and melody from scraps found on the cutting room floor.
A sampling of favorites from 2003. Confounding both the laptop and backpack sets with artful ease, not to mention a wickedly haunting groove.
Donna Regina
A sampling of favorites from 2003. Not a she, but a husband and wife, composing simple, melancholic melodies and beats.
A sampling of favorites from 2003. Beautiful, haunting, and so NYC.

A sampling of favorites from 2003. Mr. Snaith makes music like no one else.
Hendrix With KO [MP3, 2.70MB, 96kbps]