
Yeah yeah, I know they’ve hobnobbed with Katie Couric on “The Today Show,” that they’re a couple of preteen sisters, and that they’re all the rage these days, but Smoosh are pretty damn good. Let me share something I learned from listening to “Massive Cure”: Asya and Chloe are not scenesters, hipsters, teenstars, or fakers. They’re in this for the music, the very purest motive there is. Sure, there are lots of indie band comparisons, but 12-year-old Asya sings like a 12-year-old PJ Harvey, and 10-year-old Chloe shuffles the drums like nobody’s business. Girl power!

58 Replies to “Smoosh”

  1. Oh, and same interview said that they do write their own songs, lyrics, etc, just to answer your question. 🙂

  2. Asya and Chloe are homeschooled, as said in an interview with a radio station. Asya said it was great for them, because they are allowed to sleep in if they come in late from a show the night before.

  3. They did a set for KCRW – I'm low on battery power so Google it – all the great songs, and great lyrics. They write the stuff, they love the music, it's win-win till some theivin' fancy talker puts them on Kids TV… and Conan.

  4. i just think yall are really hot….yall were in our news paper thing at school and me and this kid cut out ur picture and glued it to our agenda book…..yall are really talented too….im listen to yalls song right now

  5. hi,
    i heard smoosh and i don’t really get there “STYLE”?
    i mean there GREAT singers and they’ve gone SO far but i just don’t think there music is soo (??) uh…….
    well the lyrics aren’t good but there not BAD. if they probably would be better if they got some new lyrics and also wuts up with the song “RAD”? i just don’t get why some 13 year old girl would try to rap. i mean she raps about SCOERR or wut ever. any ways U GUYS ARE PRETTY AWSOME.!!!!!!!!

  6. yeah so i am so not up on this all of rhetorical little girl stuff, pre-teens or not. i listened to some of their songs and they arent very good. they’re just little girls trying to sound all hip and they arent hip. awww yeah and cutsie-schmutsie. im sure pre-teens will become quick fans but whatever. oh yeah and on celebrity is in it just fro the fun they all want to make money and become rich and famous no one does anything becasue they love it. they’ll become the next ashley and mary-kate olsen and then where will be in? in a world thats full of people who arent old enough to handle their own money when there ADULTS out there who work HARD to make big bucks.

  7. To the person who said that their lyrics are bad, you can’t be talking because you can’t even spell SOCCER. You spelt it scoerr. Hahaha. Anywho, Smoosh kicks ass! I love their music. It’s not just for preteens because I am 14, close to 15. It’s not supposed to be gritty depressing stuff. It’s, from what I can tell, supposed to be fun music. And it is. It’s also very wonderful and good. Plus, these girls are young, and they’re awesome for their age and awesome for any age. I love Smoosh. By the way, I love their album cover. It’s very pretty. Does anyone know if Asyn and Chloe made it?

  8. honestly, i thought the “Smooshes” sounded horrible. why would u reate it one of the hottest artist for 21 hot artist under 21???

  9. I got smoosh’s album from the library[here in vegas] an’ i’ve been wearin’ it out!{i got it 4 an extra 2 wks.!
    Love IT!-LOVE THEM! ‘massive cure’-“take it away”- “la pump”-even “boittlenose’ and especially “make it through”are fnickin’ GREAT!!! they are true individualists, and I predict they can be as great as say, Stereolab!-there’s no way they’re any kind of pre- teen pop tarts… THEY’RE FOR REAL! by the way—I’m a middle age over 40 type guy…[but i still think they’re hot![to behold]

  10. Hey do Chloe or Asya have an email address or something so us "fans" can email the hotties??

  11. If you guys think that I am posting stuff like that I'm not because I got on after my baseball game to check and what do you know some shit has posted that!

  12. I never heard of them until school. We read a TFK magizine and now everyone wants to know more about them!

  13. Smoosh is really cool but i don't see them around very often. Is there a reason for that? Why aren't they that popular? Can someone email me back at Thanx!

  14. SMOOSH SUCKS! Why would anyone call a band "Smoosh" anyway? That is soooo LAME. If those girls were smart, they would of thaught up a better name. DUH! And to all the people who are saying they are hot… EWWWWW! Out of all girls they are probably the ugliest people alive! Don't you people have any taste?

  15. ok..firstly to "naughty girl" you shouldnt be dissing these girls and their music. They are obviously talented and pretty girls and your obviously jealous. And seccondly by you "dissing" thier band and saying they r ugly your just making yourslef seem like a loser..this site is obviously for fans and people that enjoy smoosh's music not for people with nothing better to do then hate on two talented girls.
    thats it i think and btw Smoosh is sick!! and Asya and Chloe are really talented girls.. thx guys keep it up

  16. Ummm ok so i'm in choir and practically EVERYONE there has a more developed and sweet singing voice than Smoosh… ok yeah i'm just not into their music i guess..? I mean, to become really successful you should at least have voice training and personally, even my friends and I have better sounding voices…

  17. Smoosh is freakin awesome. Anyone who came on to this site to dis them needs to grow up and stop being so transparently jealous.
    Keep it up girls….BTW, i love ur name!

  18. what is this? there is so many teens doing stuff like this and only the pretty ones make it! I know so many more talented people. I'm not dissing THEM, but i think its stupid!
    p.s. i can't even understand them in massive cure!

  19. heyy–
    i personally think smoosh sucks.. i mean i could go to a day care if i wanted to hear what they sound like… its like a drunk baby slurring and whining..
    goodd me and muhh besstt friend are starting a new band called smush and it will be better like whoaaa…
    i mean anyone can slam out on the keyboard and pound the drums and whine…
    ughh dont make me gag

  20. 2 naughy girl and blondie bee,u guys r just jealous and any1 else who negative commments,y don`t u just shut-up!smoosh roxs!form ur own band and call it loserville!!!!!!

  21. Smoosh u rock!your such good singers and u didn`t even take voice lessons!anyway i think it`s sooo cool that u made your own band!!!!!!!

  22. I think their beat for Massive Cure is gr8! But I didnt really lik Asya's singing. But I totally like it! I would laff @ te ppl who dissed them wen they becom world famous one day.
    And com on guys! They're only 11 and 13! their voices will develop and become betr soon.

  23. Smoosh ROX!!! i'm getting their album 4 christmas (i hope lol)
    btw carli, asya made the album cover. isn't it AWESOME?? they're really talented; Chloe's as old as i am! you rock smoosh!

  24. you guys are sooooo cool i'm 13 too and I want to sing and and be in a band soooo much you guys are soooolucky and talented!! I love your album.

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